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misconfiguration in Grocery CRUD Enterprise!

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Posted 21 June 2019 - 15:59 PM

Today we start receive a message




Close modal on save


"Ooooops, something went wrong! This is probably a misconfiguration in Grocery CRUD Enterprise!"


Noting change on our system ! 



System is working fine on localhost .




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Posted 22 June 2019 - 06:20 AM

Hello @TALAL,


Can you please give us a bit more information about your problem?

For example:
- What framework are you using? (e.g. Codeigniter)
- What PHP version?

And also can you please give us a bit more information about your environment? e.g. are you using Windows or this happened on your hosting provider? If that happens for example in shared hosting it is very possible that they did an upgrade and something broke accidentally.


