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load-grocery-crud.js not found

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Posted 18 June 2019 - 20:44 PM

Hello all,


I trying to install GroceryCRUD Enterprise into Laravel Framework 5.6.39


When I do console test view, I am getting below error;


GET http://localhost/ecza.erp/public/assets/grocery-crud/js/build/load-grocery-crud.js 404 (Not Found)



but other files are loading normally as you can see but this file is even not inside downloaded grocerycrudenterprise installation file.





Where can we get this file? Or am I missing something?




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Posted 18 June 2019 - 21:58 PM

This has been resolved. We created another file as load-grocery-crud.js with same information copied from TUTORIALS PAGE page source script link;






So either please remove below code or add this file...


When we disabled below, crud still works.



    if ($autoload_javascript) {
        $this->setJavaScriptFile($this->_assetsFolder . 'js/build/load-grocery-crud.js');




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Posted 22 June 2019 - 06:22 AM

This has been resolved. We created another file as load-grocery-crud.js with same information copied from TUTORIALS PAGE page source script link;



So either please remove below code or add this file...


When we disabled below, crud still works.




Hello @orcuncolakoglu,


I confirm that this issue exists on version 2.7.5 and this was unfortunately a deployment/build issue. Thank you also for providing a work-around at the forums. 


I've now fixed that for version 2.7.6 for anyone interested you can download the latest version from here: https://www.grocerycrud.com/users/enterprise_latest_version




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Posted 14 August 2020 - 21:02 PM

Hello @orcuncolakoglu,


I confirm that this issue exists on version 2.7.5 and this was unfortunately a deployment/build issue. Thank you also for providing a work-around at the forums. 


I've now fixed that for version 2.7.6 for anyone interested you can download the latest version from here: https://www.grocerycrud.com/users/enterprise_latest_version





why i cant find the grocery-crud-enterprise-v2.3.7.zip ?

and how i can find it ?

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Posted 15 August 2020 - 14:51 PM

why i cant find the grocery-crud-enterprise-v2.3.7.zip ?

and how i can find it ?


Hello @Ghadeer,


Why would you need specifically this very old version?

In case you were confused from the documentation here: https://www.grocerycrud.com/enterprise/enterprise-documentation/laravel-installation I've just updated the versions there in case someone else has been confused with the example.


Also I will probably have an updated documentation for Laravel v7 but have in mind that the installation logic is the same.


