Hi everyone,
I purchased a bootstrap v3 Theme for grocery crud and apply it to my projet.
I have a probleme when i use Where condition on my table to get filtered data.
I explain it : For example i have to show Houses with certain conditions (a surface between 100 and 200), so i use PHP GET, and apply Where condition before getting the table.
For the first page of datatable list (bootstrap theme), it works. but when i click on pagination (page 2 3 4 etc), the filter is not considered, so the table shows all results without Filter.
It's very important for me because i used in big project for my customer.
It will be very helpful if you can send me a solution for this.
Here is the code :
$crud = new grocery_CRUD(); $crud->set_language('french'); if(isset($_GET['admin']) && is_numeric($_GET['admin']) && (int)$_GET['admin']>0 ){ $idadminfilter=(int)$_GET['admin']; $crud->where("cm_appartements.id_admin",$idadminfilter); } $supmin=0; $supmax = ""; if(isset($_GET['supmin']) && is_numeric($_GET['supmin']) && (int)$_GET['supmin']>=0 ){ $supmin = (int)$_GET['supmin']; $crud->where("superficie >=",$supmin); } if(isset($_GET['supmax']) && is_numeric($_GET['supmax']) && (int)$_GET['supmax']>0 ){ $supmax = (int)$_GET['supmax']; $crud->where("superficie <=",$supmax); } $crud->set_table('cm_appartements')->order_by("id","desc"); $crud->fields("id_residence","id_type_appartements","lot","bloc","numero","nombre_pieces","etage","superficie","prix_appartement","date_ajout","date_edition","id_admin","id_admin_edition","images"); $crud->required_fields("id_residence","id_type_appartements","lot","bloc","nombre_pieces","etage","superficie"); $crud->columns("id","id_residence","id_type_appartements","lot","bloc","nombre_pieces","etage","superficie","etat_vente","images","id_admin","date_ajout","id_admin_edition","date_edition");