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$savepath error

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Posted 16 May 2019 - 19:41 PM

The call to drivers/Session_files_driver.php generated an error related to $savepath... everything seems to connect and be configured per the GC docs but when it hits my mian.php via parent::__construct(); it dies with a warning that its trying a mkdir() with a bad dir that I know exists...  the app dies due to this "uncaught exception"... simple config in that its localhost/<app dir>/ everything from CI and CG is there.


Any ideas?  css/js paths resolve without error, I can connect to MySql without issue via jquery as well as dbForge and Workbench 8.0...  this should be easy, any ideas?  Thanks. btw, using the suggested codeigniter framework (seems to be a problem in our CI projects, thought GC would have figured it out?)


Not a big deal, I can move, but I have 2 days to figure out this CI/CG config silliness, any help? otherwise we'll go back to our old (proven) standards.  Trusted CI/CG, thanks to the orig developer, but since our conifg issues its nothing but issues followed by issues. Does this work in a real sense or is it an experiment for college kids? 


I can actually hardcode this path is CI/CG is that weak... please just tell me where and how to make GC work with CI!

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Posted 12 February 2020 - 21:28 PM
