hello all, in advance THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your help and sorry for my english ;-)
i'm working on a form that register building access.
After entry all data in form (view FUNCTION) and i click save button, it shows me error (view ERROR LOG).
i have several tables (2) where store data, (1) table that help fill table_1, same than other which i have no problems.-
problem is that crud form send the id number (INT) either name (VARCHAR)
selection box:
$crud->set_relation('mhwh_reponsable' ,'lst_responsables' ,'resp_nombre' );
as you can see i have several selection boxes and all of them are working fine.
MYSQL side
-data is equal = varchar (55)
-collate is equal = 'utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci'
-relation are set = 1 to n
-i have created new table and made new relations and index and im keeping this error.
CodeIgniter v3.1.9
GroceryCrud v1.6.1
database: mysql - > 8.0.11
$crud = new grocery_CRUD(); $this->load->config('grocery_crud'); $this->config->set_item('grocery_crud_file_upload_allow_file_types','gif|jpeg|jpg|png|pdf'); $crud->set_theme('datatables'); // datatables o flexigriS $crud->set_table('t_mhw_header'); //tab_movimiento_hw $crud->set_subject('Movimiento HW'); $crud->where('mhwh_fk_etarea','En Progreso'); $crud->fields( 'mhwh_id_ticket', 'mhwh_fhrealizacion', 'mhwh_fk_edificio', 'mhwh_fk_sala', 'mhwh_reponsable', 'mhwh_fk_tdocumento', 'mhwh_ndocumento', 'mhwh_fk_cliente', 'mhwh_observaciones', 'mhwh_firma', 'mhwh_fk_ssff', 'mhwh_fk_etarea'); $crud->columns(array('id_mhwh' ,'mhwh_fk_cliente', 'mhwh_reponsable' ,'mhwh_id_ticket', 'mhwh_fk_sala' ,'mhwh_fk_etarea', 'mhwh_observaciones')); $crud->set_relation('mhwh_fk_tdocumento' ,'lst_tipo_documentos' ,'id_tdocumentos' ); $crud->set_relation('mhwh_fk_etarea' ,'lst_estado_tareas' ,'id_estado_tarea' ); $crud->set_relation('mhwh_reponsable' ,'lst_responsables' ,'resp_nombre' ); $crud->set_relation('mhwh_fk_ssff' ,'lst_operariosssff' ,'id_opersssff' ); $crud->set_relation('mhwh_fk_sala' ,'lst_salas' ,'id_salas' ); $crud->set_relation('mhwh_fk_edificio' ,'lst_edificios' ,'id_edificios' ); $crud->set_relation('mhwh_fk_cliente' ,'lst_clientes' ,'id_cliente' ); $crud->set_field_upload('mhwh_firma','assets/Firmas'); $crud->unset_clone(); // quitar boton de clonacion $crud->unset_read(); // quitar boton de lectura, ingresando al tkt $crud->unset_delete(); // quitar boton de elimiacion $crud->add_action('HW' ,'','','ui-icon-clipboard' ,array($this,'fadd_add_hardware')); $crud->add_action('Print' ,'','','ui-icon-print' ,array($this,'fadd_prt_movimiento_hw')); $output = $crud->render(); $this->_load_outputHead($output);
ERROR - 2019-04-26 22:55:03 --> Query error: Cannot add or update a child row:
a foreign key constraint fails (`idcdb`.`t_mhw_header`, CONSTRAINT `FK_t_mhw_header_lst_responsables` FOREIGN KEY (`mhwh_reponsable`) REFERENCES `lst_responsables` (`resp_nombre`))
- Invalid query:
INSERT INTO `t_mhw_header` (`mhwh_id_ticket`, `mhwh_fhrealizacion`, `mhwh_fk_edificio`, `mhwh_fk_sala`, `mhwh_reponsable`, `mhwh_fk_tdocumento`, `mhwh_ndocumento`, `mhwh_fk_cliente`, `mhwh_observaciones`, `mhwh_firma`, `mhwh_fk_ssff`, `mhwh_fk_etarea`)
CREATE TABLE `lst_responsables` ( `resp_nombre` VARCHAR(55) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `resp_tdocumento` VARCHAR(55) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `resp_ndocumento` VARCHAR(15) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `resp_legajo` VARCHAR(15) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `resp_empresa` VARCHAR(55) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `resp_telefono` VARCHAR(22) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `resp_interno` VARCHAR(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `resp_email` VARCHAR(55) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `resp_udf__Rol` VARCHAR(22) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `resp_udf__Rol2` VARCHAR(22) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `id_resp_autorizante` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (`id_resp_autorizante`), INDEX `resp_nombre` (`resp_nombre`) ) COLLATE='utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci' ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2790 ;
CREATE TABLE `t_mhw_header` ( `id_mhwh` INT(11) UNSIGNED ZEROFILL NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ok', `mhwh_id_ticket` VARCHAR(55) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ok', `mhwh_fhrealizacion` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ok', `mhwh_fk_edificio` VARCHAR(55) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ok', `mhwh_fk_sala` VARCHAR(55) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ok', `mhwh_reponsable` VARCHAR(55) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ok', `mhwh_fk_tdocumento` VARCHAR(55) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ok', `mhwh_ndocumento` VARCHAR(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ok', `mhwh_fk_cliente` VARCHAR(55) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ok', `mhwh_observaciones` VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ok', `mhwh_firma` VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ok', `mhwh_fk_ssff` VARCHAR(55) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ok', `mhwh_fk_etarea` VARCHAR(55) NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_mhwh`), INDEX `id_movimientohw` (`mhwh_id_ticket`), INDEX `FK_tab_mov_hw_header_lst_estado_tareas` (`mhwh_fk_etarea`), INDEX `FK_tab_mov_hw_header_lst_operariosssff` (`mhwh_fk_ssff`), INDEX `FK_tab_mov_hw_header_lst_salas` (`mhwh_fk_sala`), INDEX `FK_tab_mov_hw_header_lst_tipo_documentos` (`mhwh_fk_tdocumento`), INDEX `FK_t_mhw_header_lst_edificios` (`mhwh_fk_edificio`), INDEX `FK_t_mhw_header_lst_clientes` (`mhwh_fk_cliente`), INDEX `mhwh_reponsable` (`mhwh_reponsable`), CONSTRAINT `FK_t_mhw_header_lst_clientes` FOREIGN KEY (`mhwh_fk_cliente`) REFERENCES `lst_clientes` (`id_cliente`), CONSTRAINT `FK_t_mhw_header_lst_edificios` FOREIGN KEY (`mhwh_fk_edificio`) REFERENCES `lst_edificios` (`id_edificios`), CONSTRAINT `FK_t_mhw_header_lst_responsables` FOREIGN KEY (`mhwh_reponsable`) REFERENCES `lst_responsables` (`resp_nombre`), CONSTRAINT `FK_tab_mov_hw_header_lst_estado_tareas` FOREIGN KEY (`mhwh_fk_etarea`) REFERENCES `lst_estado_tareas` (`id_estado_tarea`), CONSTRAINT `FK_tab_mov_hw_header_lst_operariosssff` FOREIGN KEY (`mhwh_fk_ssff`) REFERENCES `lst_operariosssff` (`id_opersssff`), CONSTRAINT `FK_tab_mov_hw_header_lst_salas` FOREIGN KEY (`mhwh_fk_sala`) REFERENCES `lst_salas` (`id_salas`), CONSTRAINT `FK_tab_mov_hw_header_lst_tipo_documentos` FOREIGN KEY (`mhwh_fk_tdocumento`) REFERENCES `lst_tipo_documentos` (`id_tdocumentos`) ) COLLATE='utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci' ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=55 ;
please, let me know if you need some information.
thank youy very much in advace for all your help, jose!