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Edit only Page in Enterprise Version (unset_back_to_list?)

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Posted 03 March 2019 - 15:08 PM

Hello all,

I'm trying to integrate GC enterprise into a new site i'm building in CI, but i'm having a hard time finding out how to replicate the functionality described here


using enterprise.


Basically I'm trying to have a user edit a single table entry directly without going through the crud list.

like http://site.local/myprofile/edit/2

where 2 is the userid in question.


I've been able to use the regular GC with unset_back_to_list(), but i'm trying to avoid having both GCs loaded in my project.

I dont see any unsetbacktolist function with enterprise, so was curious if anyone else is using enterprise in this manor, and how you did it.





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Posted 04 March 2019 - 13:26 PM

I thinked have the solution, but after try don't work.

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Posted 09 March 2019 - 17:43 PM

I'm interested too.