I have a question:
I already use grocerycrud and everything works fine, but my boss wanted me to make such thing as below:
First question: When user write some text in a text field and save in grocerycrud after save he cant edit this field again (it should be read-only)
The same field can edit other user as admin (higher priviligades)
How can I do this if it is possible?
Second question: when a user write some text in text field and second user want to add some second text in the same text field , second user cant edit text writed by first user (he can only edit his part of text) .
It may be made in many text fields not only in one textfield but I think you know the plan of project i need to make.
In both cases it is possible also to log any changes users made during editing ( as a history view of data changes)?
I even dont know where to start and I hopefully write to you for your good news
Im waiting for your reply.