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Upload multiple images + Change integrated functions' names to my own language's


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Posted 21 December 2018 - 14:11 PM

Hello there, I have two questions.


1. How can I use the 'employees' database which has integrated 'file_url' function that can upload one picture and make it so I can upload many pictures and edit,view etc. them ?

I found this useful link but I don't know how to integrate it in my current config. -> https://github.com/Akshay-Hegde/grocery_crud_multiuploader/blob/master/application/controllers/multiuploader.php


2. I've been browsing through most of the files but didn't manage to find where I can rename all the current functions ( Search, Edit, Delete, Display results and so on ) to my own language ?


Thank you for your time.


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Posted 07 January 2019 - 15:56 PM

Hello, it's been some time. Any help, please?