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datatables cache


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Posted 02 January 2014 - 14:47 PM

Nice trick!


Not being able to reset column ordering once I'd clicked on a column header was driving me mad :-)


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 16:50 PM


As solution you can add the uncial hash-segment to url in your menu.

for example:

<div id="left menu">
<a href="...">articles</a>
<a href="....">categories</a>
<a href="your_controller/function/<?=time()?>">YOUR PROBLEM </a>


This is a great HTML tip for forcing a page to always reload because it guarantees that the page won't be rendered from the browser cache. As a web developer that has been the bane of my life while trying to debug web pages - browsers may say they've cleared the cache but they lie!


It works for image links as well, if you're in a position where images change and need to be reloaded - e.g. 

<img src="/somewhere/pic.jpg?x=<?php echo rand(); ?>">