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Layout problem?

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Posted 05 February 2013 - 16:17 PM

First of all, thank you for the great library you've made!

I'm using this $output (same way as your examples.php) to display the table.

Then I put $output in the middle of my web page (after some header) in a wrapper (<div>) with no value/definition of height in its style.
I also put a <footer> after (outside) the wrapper div with (the <footer>'s) position:relative;.

The problem is, if my table (generated with $output) is longer than the screen, my footer is just placed in the bottom of the screen, while the table is actually longer than screen (window).

Then, when I scrolling down, the footer is stayed in the middle of my table's wrapper, instead of placed in the end, after the div wrapper of $output table.

You have any idea?
Thanks in advance.

Ps. I was wondering if the table is rendered after the footer. So the footer is stacked at top of the table. So, is it possible if we can order the parse of layout? (Javascript). I'm barely know js, or almost nothing I know at all.