Hi all,
Please see the below. I am struggling with what seems to be a MySQL problem rather than a GroceryCRUD issue. I hope someone can see the problem and help me to fix it...
$crud->set_table($this->config->item('db_prefix') . 'company'); $crud->set_subject('Companies'); $crud->required_fields('company', 'category_id', 'active', 'vat_number', 'reg_number', 'telephone', 'address', 'bio', 'picture', 'email'); $crud->set_relation('category_id', $this->config->item('db_prefix') . 'category', 'category'); $crud->set_relation_n_n('Companies', $this->config->item('db_prefix') . 'user_company', $this->config->item('db_prefix') . 'company', 'user_id', 'company_id', '{name} ({reg_number})'); //$crud->where($this->config->item('db_prefix') . 'user_company.company_id', $this->session->userdata('id'));
When I un-comment the "where" clause, I get the following error:
Unknown column 'icms2_user_company.company_id' in 'where clause' SELECT `icms2_company`.*, jb583a629.category AS sb583a629, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CONCAT('', COALESCE(name, ''), ' (', COALESCE(reg_number, ''), ')')) FROM icms2_company LEFT JOIN icms2_user_company ON icms2_user_company.company_id = icms2_company.id WHERE icms2_user_company.user_id = `icms2_company`.id GROUP BY icms2_user_company.user_id) AS Companies FROM (`icms2_company`) LEFT JOIN `icms2_category` as jb583a629 ON `jb583a629`.`id` = `icms2_company`.`category_id` WHERE `icms2_user_company`.`company_id` = '26' LIMIT 50
I hope someone can help me get this right? I do not know what I am doing wrong.
My database structure is like this:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `icms2_company` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(64) NOT NULL, `active` enum('Yes','No') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'No', `reg_number` varchar(32) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=14 ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `icms2_user` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `username` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `active` enum('Yes','No') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Yes', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `username` (`username`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=27 ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `icms2_user_company` ( `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `company_id` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`,`company_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
My end-goal is to select only companies that the user has access to, for managing. So - if companies 13 and 14 is assigned to user 26, then those are the only ones he/she can access via GroceryCRUD.
Thanks in advance!