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HMVC Grocery Crud structure


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Posted 13 January 2013 - 15:34 PM


I'm trying to use Grocery Crud within HMVC. Following the tread /topic/575-ci-modular-extensions-hmvc-grocery-crud/ I've could manage to use the example. But, i think I'm doing something wrong. I can't create a new module and instantiate Grocery Crud in it. Everything only works if I put the controllers inside Grocery Crud Module.
Example: I have grocery crud module. Now I want a users module that uses the grocery crud. The correct will be:

-- grocerycrud
-- users

How can I make this work?
I think If all kind of controllers that uses grocery crud needs to be inside Grocerycrud module it is breaking the HMVC paradigm.

Thank's in advance


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Posted 14 January 2013 - 05:52 AM

Are you sure you don't make any mistake following the instruction?
What kind of error do you get?

PS: there is already a project with CodeIgniter, groceryCRUD and HMVC combined. So otherwise you want to learn something, you don't need to get your hand dirty :)


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Posted 03 March 2013 - 01:14 AM

I still doesn't figure out how to use Grocery Crud in HMVC! I've downloaded the example from thread http://www.grocerycr...c-grocery-crud/ but everytime I create a new module that is supposed to use Grocery crud I receive the following message: Unable to load the requested class: grocery_crud


---- grocery_crud
---- users

In users controller 

What am i doing wrong???

thank's in advance