It's been quite while, huh? What a incredible tool you've created here. Thanks man!
Now... a question: How do I create a hidden field that is not part of any database and belongs to no table at all?
Let me explain... I added an action with add_action which calls another CRUD passing the ID through the link, where I retrieve it with GET. Now, that only works once. So, if I add or edit some item on my list, that filter is lost. I thought that I could keep it creating a hidden field. But, when I tried to create it with add_fields or edit_fields, I get this error:
[b] A PHP Error was encountered[/b]
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined index: filtra_apontamento
Filename: controllers/titulos.php
Line Number: 70
filtra_apontamento is the hidden field I'm trying to create. Here it is the code:
$this->grocery_crud->field_type('filtra_apontamento', 'hidden', $_GET['filtra_apontamento']);
And there's also another question: How do I use the value of this created field, assuming it is possible to create it, on my filter parameters at
$this->grocery_crud->where('titulo.apontamento_id', <what it goes here?>);
Thanks for any help you may provide.