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Not all installation files included

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Posted 30 November 2012 - 21:15 PM

I have looked around the forums but I haven't found a clear answer this this problem, It seems a couple people are in the same spot as me. Basically I am new to frameworks/codeigniter am I am following the tutorial for Groccery Crud.

I know what files should be present in the installation (and I have codeigniter installed). I cannot find the datatables.php or flexigrid.php files. They are not included in the Groccery Crud zip file OR the codeigniter zip file. Where am I supposed to find these files?

I'm not even sure if thats my problem, but I follow the tutorial all the way until I have to enter in my table name in the employees() function. Then when I test I get:

[b]Fatal error[/b]: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'The table name does not exist. Please check you database and try again.' (along with other stuff)

I know that table exists, and Im pretty sure its connecting to my database alright because this is the first issue I'm having with the tutorial. I assume this is because I am missing those two files, I cannot find them anywhere!

Surely this happens alot and I'm just overlooking something?
