I would like to know if there is anyway of running the command below using GroceryCrud framework or if there any workaround.
I know I can create a connection string and run the sql but would like to keep within the framework
DELETE FROM `<table_name>` WHERE `<field_name>` = '<string>'
Many thanks,
DELETE FROM `<table_name>` WHERE `<field_name>` = '<string>'
Started by nbowling, 29 November 2012 - 20:32 PM
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Posted 29 November 2012 - 20:32 PM
Posted 03 December 2012 - 11:20 AM
I found a solution (once I had stopped being lazy)
function delete_films($rental)
$this->db->where('rental_duration ', $rental);
function delete_films($rental)
$this->db->where('rental_duration ', $rental);