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I have a few suggestions for future functionality

Anton Axenov
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Posted 13 November 2012 - 09:00 AM

I have a few suggestions for future functionality.

1. Ability to assign a group of fields on the tabs. For example, in the table "Employees" fields "name" and "surname" will be in the "Summary" tab, but "email" and "job title" will be in the "additional information" tab. It will help to organize fields more logically. It will be very usefull in large tables with many fields.
2. Ability to assign custom css classes to fields for specific javascript calls and transformations. If we will have this feature, we can remove built in CKeditor and other "calendars" and call them only adding a class 'ckeditor' or 'calendar' or 'prettyPhoto'. So if I want to change editor - I wil change the css class, but not the core functionality.
3. Waiting 'Copy/duplicate' feature...

I know, that I'm asking too much, but that is no reason not to ask ))